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Pet Peeves in the Social Media World

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We’ve talked a lot about social media and the different effects it has on society, social interactions, and especially business. Social media has become unavoidable in today’s world. If you’re reading this article you’ve probably already participated in the adage “If you can’t beat ‘em, join em”. While the world shifts to a more digital age there are still a…
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Random Things Every Manager/Leader Should Keep in Mind

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Your Employees They are smart. I don’t care where you work or what you do, they are smart. Depending on the type of work you do they may be differing types of intelligent, but like children, they will notice a lot of different things. What type of things? Why does that even matter? Take this typical children/parent scenario: a young…
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Keeping up with Technology

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Technology can be frustrating. It can be aggravating. For many people who aren’t used to the pace that technology keeps it can be a rude wake-up call. You master one form of social media when yet another app, program, or even update sends you back to the (digital) drawing board. What do you do? Is it really worth your time…
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Abstract Thinking: Tips on Going Outside “The Box”

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In business you often get rewarded for “out-of-the-box” thinking. Many companies often wish they had more creative thinkers, go-getters, and people who push against the norm to create something worth viewing. Well, what’s the problem? Why not just do that? Is there a school for creative thinking? Can you sign up for the online course “Abstract Thinking 101”? Not really….
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The Problem of Social Media

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Being Aware We spend a lot of time talking about the good parts of technology, and even more specifically, social media. Equally important; however, are the disadvantages and problems that come with social media. Being aware of the stereotypes and pitfalls can give you a greater edge on the competition. There seems to be two main schools of thought when…
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Digital Immigrant vs. Digital Native

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There are two prevailing schools of experience when it comes to technology: digital immigrants and digital natives. This post addresses who each one is, and how it applies to your business and digital needs. Digital Immigrant This group consists of anyone who can remember life without the Internet and other similar technologies. You’re looking at the early 90s and backwards….
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Media Convergence: How to Buy

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Buyer’s remorse. It’s something we’ve all experienced and are eager to not experience again. So much so, in fact, that we as a society will spend hours, days, and weeks on end researching different product specs and deals just so we can feel justified in buying that 60” LCD screen. In lieu of this there is a phenomenon that has…
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The Socratic [Business] Method

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Socrates. Ever heard of him? If you haven’t heard of him maybe you’ve heard of his student Plato? Maybe Plato’s student Aristotle? If you haven’t heard of any of them it doesn’t matter, what they said then still applies now. Socrates had a method of teaching, creatively named the “Socratic Method.” It included a few simple steps in order to…
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Personification: Businesses With a Human Touch

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Personification Ever heard of it? Think all the way back to your high school English class. The dictionary defines it as “the attribution of human nature or character to animals, inanimate objects, or abstract notions.” So what does that have to do with your business? Well…everything. Before social media a business was just a building with four walls. With social…
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Social Media Etiquette

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Manners Matter When you were little your mother taught you manners that would help you later in life. “No elbows on the table,” “chew with your mouth closed,” and the ever famous “if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.” These skills have helped all throughout your life and have even found their way into…
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