5 Reasons Why Your Website Needs an Update

Aug 23, 2013

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Need An Update?

Technology today changes quickly and it becomes painfully obvious to your clients if your website is out of date, even if it’s only by a year or two. Here are the top 5 signs that your company website needs to be updated.

You Haven’t Updated Your Page Since 1999

If you built your web page more than a year or two ago, even if it was done by a professional, it is probably time to give your website an update. With the advent of social networking in the mid 2000’s there are a lot of useful add-ons that your website should be utilizing to maximize your companies reach. Speak with our team if you would like to integrate social media into your new website.

You Have An Animated or Flash Based Landing Page

The landing page, or the first page you end up on when arriving at a website, is your first line of communication with your client. Many flash or animated landing pages spend several seconds or even minutes loading, wasting precious first impressions that take away from the 5 seconds that users typically spend looking at one page.

You Have No Clue What SEO Is

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is an algorithm that was designed to assist search engines like Google in finding particular keywords on web pages. This is particularly useful when your clients search for specific terms like, “Dentist in New York City” or “Cheap Fashionable Baby Clothes”. If your website does not include SEO content, it will not come up when those terms are searched. For more information about SEO content and implementing it in your website click here.

More Than 50% Of Your Content Is Text

Modern websites (particularly those for commerce or services) are mainly image based with important information in short sentences or point form. Infographics, images that include important text or links to sale items or other valuable content, are a great way to get across your point while maintaining interest in your website.

Your Website Has A Hit Counter

Hit counters are the old way of measuring market saturation of your website but were useless in giving real analytics about your visitors. Today, with tools provided from Google, Facebook and other networking companies you can track many valuable data about your target market from gender, to income, to likes and dislikes at the touch of a button.

While giving your website an overhaul may mean an upfront expenditure, you can be sure that your clients will be grateful for the ease of use, valuable information and the ability to search for your website leading to more consumer loyalty.

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