How Can Technologies in the Classroom Help with a Student’s Education?

Jul 22, 2013

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Classrooms are the same as when our parents were in school with chalkboard, desks and book shelves but isn’t it time for a revamp in classrooms to get up to date with modern technology?

These days, work fields are looking for candidates with computer skills and experience using software and programs in various fields of work like engineering and science. The need for students learning with technology seems to be on the rise.

But how can technology help with the student’s education with the growing number of students to teacher ratio, making classrooms larger each year?

Here are 7 educational technology tools that could change the way students engage and learn in their education.

1) Invisible computers

Turning desks into computer surfaces might help teachers give assignments and pass down information and right in front of the student’s faces. In some schools, tablets are being used to enhance the educational experience but in some cases may be causing more interference with the students learning.

2) Stealth Learning

Incorporating popular games with an educational angle might help with the student’s learning. If a student was to be engaged in their favorite game and retain more information about the things they like effortlessly, wouldn’t that be a step in the right direction?

3) Robot-Assisted Learning

Students in other countries have begun to learn English thanks to the robot-assisted learning program. Studies find that students respond better with robots than a hand held tablet.

4) Open Hardware

If students were given access to developer-aimed devices in their learning, could it potentially help them become innovative in finding new inventions or apps for the future?

5) Global Rockstar Teachers

Earning degrees online and watching a live stream of teachers could help those students with learning difficulties in the classroom or those working at the same time and want.

6) Social Learning

With the expanding use of social media, it’s about time teacher’s use Facebook, Twitter or Google+ to communicate between the students and within the student sphere. Taking the next step and delivering educational materials to students could help them engage and learn further.

7) Body Language Assessment

Reading body cues of students can help teachers find out what their needs are and potentially help the students from flunking out. One-on-one tutoring and explaining in further detail the scope of an assignment can be a positive enforcement for any one particular student.

Do you think technology is helping or hurting education?

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