Look At Competitors Keywords

Aug 7, 2008

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When you are building your keyword list you will also want to see what keywords your main competitor’s are using. This will help you identify what keywords they are going after.To do this you will simply go to their homepage and right click to bring up the box and then click on view source code. You can also press CTRL + u and it will bring up the source code. You will see the html of that particular page.

Look for the:

<meta name=”description” content=

< meta name=”keywords” content=

This will give you the description of their site as well as the keywords they are going after. If you see any keywords that are related to your site then you can add them to your keyword list. This will help you add keywords that you might not have thought of. You want to have a big keyword list and target many different variations of keywords as well. After you have seen what some of your competitors are going after then you will get a very good idea what you are up against.

The main thing you will want to do is pick around 5 keywords to be your core words. Make sure you keep your site tightly focused around these keywords by writing articles about each keyword in depth so your site will now start to become the authority for that word and industry. The more relevant your website is surrounding your core keywords the more you will be listed in the search engines as the authority.

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