Establish a newsworthy online presence.

Press Release Marketing

What is Press Release Marketing?

One of the fastest ways to get the word out about your new business or new products/services is to write and distribute a newsworthy press release. A press release can include information about your business but, more importantly, why what you’re offering matters to your industry and how it can help those searching for those same products/services.

The more interesting and exciting the news story, the more buzz your story will create. Once your story enters into these media streams the search engines and journalists can find your story and republish your news to the online community.

Why Press Release Marketing?

The benefits of writing press releases comes when your news gets out to the masses of people following your industry which in turn influences these people to share and link to your news. Many times there are authoritative sites that are in your industry that might possibly take notice and mention your company to their followers in their newsletters or e-mails. This alone can propel your business into a whole new ball park of Web authority and reputation.

When Should I Write Press Releases?

Press releases should be written any time a company has a new product/service or if they have partnered with another company in a joint venture. Consistently distributing newsworthy press releases about your company will keep your name out in the public and generate brand recognition.

Our Press Release Marketing Solutions

Via several sources online, we can use press releases as a medium for generating relevant buzz about your company. We work closely with you to carefully market your products, services, announcements, and other information to the right news channels at the right time.

Our Utah SEO clients have greatly benefited from press release marketing, not only in the search engines but with overall brand authority and recognition. For more information about our press release marketing solutions, call us today at (855) 238-8444.
