Archive for November, 2009

Use Full Posts In Feeds

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RSS feeds have become very popular as of late for SEO and there are several reasons as to why your site should have an rss feed. Some of those reasons include that you can syndicate content and people can be notified in an instant. You can get a following of subscribers who will stay faithful to your company because of your feed. Continue Reading »

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Feedburner Integrates With Google Analytics

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Feedburner has now made it possible to track what is happening with your rss feeds in Google Analytics. Using Google Analytics you can get enormous amounts of data and now with content syndication being more and more critical internet marketing having analytics data is huge.

Feedburner is now automatically Continue Reading »

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Page Load Times Affect SEO

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Last week at Pubcon in Las Vegas there was an interactive site review session and one of the individuals on the panel was Matt Cutts, head of Google’s Webspam Team. One of the things he covered was having faster load times. Continue Reading »

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Doing it the right way…

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Whether for business or for fun, building yourself a personalized web page is very essential as it provides your basic advertisement, online business center, and or self introduction. Doing it yourself is a good idea if your line-of-study is of how to do it, but is very difficult for those who want it, but have zero knowledge of how to do it.

Utah web design services are just around the corner, but whom to choose and what to expect are essential because at the end of the day, the success of your website can be crucial. Continue Reading »

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Phoenix WordPress Camp 2009

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Phoenix WordPress Camp 2009 is here and you can watch it live stream by Godaddy. Godaddy is one of the main sponsors sponsoring the event and has a speaker by the name of Jim Christian who is a part of Godaddy’s SEO team who will be talking about search engine optimization.

Here is the schedule for the event: Continue Reading »

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Simplified Innovation

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Innovation Simple. Our name says it all. A powerful Utah web design and SEO company yet very simple and friendly for all users. We are on the cutting edge when it comes to innovative web services, and yet all the while, we really don’t like things very complicated. We assume that you don’t either.
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Google SPDY

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Google has made it well known that they have wanted the web to be faster for years. Yesterday on November 11th 2009, Google officially announced that they have been working on a research project called SPDY (pronounced speedy) which is a new application geared towards moving content across the web twice as fast. Continue Reading »

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Lighting up Las Vegas Web Design

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It is easy to be in Vegas for a short period of time, but doing business in Las Vegas may be another story. Starting a small business or enterprise is in Las Vegas is a risk, but success is more likely when founded upon correct marketing principles. Phone books are dead. Fliers are 20 years out of style. So what’s hot?
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