Archive for September, 2010

SEOMoz Has A New Look

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SEOMoz has made some changes to their pro membership and to their website. They now have a new redesigned website and have also restructured the tools section and the learn seo section. The new site has a Continue Reading »

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Ence Homes Website Gets Updated

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Ence Homes is a big home builder in St. George Utah and they had contacted Innovation Simple to take over their online presence by improving their website. We built their website so that it is easier to use and better looking. We have released the new version of the Continue Reading »

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Gmail Priority Inbox Now Available

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Gmail has a new feature called priority inbox that will let you tell Gmail what email messages are important and which ones are not. A lot of people’s email inbox get overloaded with emails and until now you could star emails and filter them with labels. Gmail’s spam filtering system gets does do a good job at understanding what is junk email, however Gmail has never been able to identify Continue Reading »

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