Archive for May, 2013

Refining Your Twitter Use

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Jonathan Rose Retweet If You Agree Although Twitter first appeared on the web nearly 7 years ago, there are still many of us trying to figure out how we can use it. I have some simple ideas that once understood will help you and your business use Twitter to get results. Twitter is an interest network, so you’ve got to…
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Mobile Design vs. Responsive Design

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By: Gaydon Leavitt Hmmm Which Dessert… We are often asked about mobile websites or web design that is mobile friendly. This subject is important because for small businesses in local markets, many of their customers and prospects are accessing their websites via mobile devices. So the question begs… Which version of the mobile web should I adopt? Straight From Google…
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Humor and Social Media . . do they go together?

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Scott Christofferson Humor and Social Media It’s not a secret that we live in an age where social media no longer concerns just youth, but is reaching a larger and larger audience everyday. In fact, if Facebook were a country, it would be the 3rd largest country in the world! Who wouldn’t want the world’s “3rd Largest Country” to see…
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