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Print Media Design

So Many Mediums!

Print Media design is an animal all on its own because there are so many different print media designs to choose from. Try brochures, business cards, booklets, postcards, and much more. All of these printed products come in different sizes and will be custom to you and your company. Innovation Simple also does the printing for these materials.

Brochures & Booklets

Innovation Simple does generally smaller brochure designs for 4 to 20 pages, or simple tri-fold or half-fold style brochures. For larger options from 24 pages and up, ‘booklets’ is the way to go. You can do booklets of 24, 32 and up to 100+ pages! Remember, booklets and brochures must be printed in multiples of four.

Business Cards

Business cards can be very simple or very complex, they come in the full range of colors, shapes and sizes to fit your needs, prices depend on complexity of the overall product. you can be assured you will get top quality design and printing. This is a selection of business card designs.

Post Cards

When you want to get the word out on your company, post cards are a great avenue! They can be fairly economic to produce, from design to print you will get the right message in the right mail boxes!

Commercial Printing Learn More

PrintingWe don’t design anything that we cannot get printed for you! That way, you don’t have have to go anywhere else to get your materials produced. Just one more reason why we are your interactive agency. We also bundle all the cost into one bill. Now that’s simple. more…
