How Social Media Can Hurt You

Jun 12, 2015

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Social media is a great tool to promote your business. While there are many positives to social media, there are also a few ways it can hurt you. Here are a few ways to avoid some costly mistakes.


If people are in any way dissatisfied  with their experience, they will post it to social media for all the world to see. A bad review can garnish a lot of attention. To remedy this situation, respond to a comment as soon as possible. People’s opinions will improve if they see that your company is trying to remedy the situation. #beresponsive

Not Thinking it Through

Don’t post any crude jokes or anything that comes off as insensitive. This New York Times article shows how a woman lost her career after posting what she thought was a harmless joke. Remember, what may seem like a harmless joke to you, may come off in a completely different way to everyone else.  #oops

Not Posting What Your Followers Want to See

Make sure that you post content that is relevant to your industry, but don’t constantly promote your company and sales. If followers feel like you are constantly trying to get them to buy something, they can unfollow you with the click of a button. For every post you do about your company, create four posts that are not about your company. Your followers will enjoy the content, but they won’t feel like you are shoving your company down their throats. #keepitinteresting

Ignoring Your Social Media

If you have social media pages, make sure to post to them on a regular basis. No one likes to see a page that hasn’t been posted to for months. It makes them think that you don’t care about interacting with them. If your employees don’t have enough to manage all of your social media accounts full-time, try hiring interns to help out. College students know social media better than anyone else, and they can really help you out. #beengaged

If your company has not adopted social media yet, you should look in to it. If you use it effectively, it can help you tremendously.

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