4 Marketing Tips to help start your small business

Oct 7, 2015

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You now have a product or service to sell. Something that people are willing to pay money for. But this product is no good if you don’t know how to market it.

Before you start advertising or even selling your product/service, it’s very important to take a lot of time before and get into the really minute details of who you want to sell this to. This may require some hard-earned research on your part but it will be well worth it. And once you have decided who to market to, you must decide how to market to them. 

Here are a few tips to help you with just that.

1. Use social media and targeted posts
Social media is one of the greatest and cheapest marketing tools a company could ask for.  And there are ways to go after your target audience with them. For example, Facebook allows you to create “sponsored posts” in which you can select a very specific audience to which the post will be put on their news feed. This in turn will allow for plenty of engagement and sharing that will bolster your image and audience. Other social media like Pinterest will allow you to share more specifically about your product/service and Twitter will allow you to generate a following. 

2. Use your analytics
Even if you’re specifically targeting the audience you did research to find, doesn’t automatically mean it will work. There are a few ways to do this, the most popular of course being Google Analytics which is available to anyone and allows you to track most online traffic. However, we naturally recommend using Setrics, the ultimate performance marketing platform. One great use of it is the omni-channel marketing metrics for online and offline media blended into one robust yet elegant analytics platform. But however you analyze your data just make sure you do it. Marketing money can very easily be wasted on projects that aren’t having any positive ROI,

3. Use your existing customers
Who do potential customers trust more than you? Answer, current customers. Yes, it’s very good to get a testimonials page up on your website so that people can read and follow up on those who already use your product/service. But you can go even further than that by encouraging word-of-mouth advertising from customer to potential customer. Nothing sells a product better than honest, organic encouragement from a trusted friend.

4. Joint promotions with other companies
There will always be plenty of promotional things a company can do, from trade shows to billboards. But something that helps build relationships, is financially lifting,  while also promoting your business is by partnering with another business for a promotional event. Often events that involve the community and have a touch of humanitarian/charity to it will also go a long way. This is not a new marketing tactic, but it’s one that has helped cultivate professional relationships as well as establish great PR and branding. 

For anymore marketing advice, Innovation Simple in Utah is here to serve you.

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