Add A Glossary

Oct 9, 2008

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The search engines are constantly improving their algorithms to be able to detect how relevant a page is about any particular topic. When building a website that you want to rank well in the search engines you have to provide on topic quality relevant content.

The more information you have the better and it helps you to become like an authority. One of the best ways to become an authority in your area is to provide a glossary. There are so many different industries that have so much jargon that it is sometimes hard to know what people are talking about.

If you have definitions of acronyms that are in your industry then it will help your visitors as they can see what you are talking about. You can link an acronym to the glossary so they can see what the term actually is. Remember that frustrated visitors are gone visitors to no more return.

To search engines they love glossary’s and definitions because to them it provides highly useful relevant content. They see glossary’s on websites in high favor and love to see them.

When building a glossary you want to make it easy to navigate. You might want to list in alphabetical order. After each term and definiton you want to make a link so the user can go back to the beginning of the glossary. Try not to have long pages. 10-15 terms plus their definition is good. If you have more then it will just add in how many pages you have on your site.

The glossary will have highly relevant links as you link to it throughout your site as a reference plus there will be others in your industry who might link to it. A glossary is a great link target.

So to increase your love from the search engines try to provide useful content and use a glossary to increase your authority.

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