SEO is a Popularity Contest

Dec 16, 2009

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SEO, search engine optimizaton, is the art of taking a webpage and optimizing it so that it will rank higher in the search engines for a particular keyword phrase. One of the most important factors that search engines look at to determine the importance of a page is the popularity of the page. This involves how much traffic flows through the page, how the traffic interacts with the page, how many inbound links from other sources point to the page, the quality of those inbound links, the anchor text of those links, and many more criteria. So if you want to achieve high rankings in the search engines especially Google your webpage needs to become popular and one of the best ways to make a page popular is to get people to bookmark it, tweet it, email it, comment on it, and other forms of social interaction. SEO is changing and now with Google releasing their real time search algorithm that allows the latest results to be shown in the serps including recent tweets and blog posts it is even more important to pay attention to the social arena that is sweeping into the search results.
google real time search results in serps

This new influx of people having more control on what they feel is important is also making its way into Google’s algorithm as they continue to stay on top of what is important on the web and giving us as the users what we want. In todays seo world it is more than just getting inbound links, it is about getting people to socialize the webpages on a site in order to spread the popularity of that particular page. Social bookmarking, social networking, tweets, comments, diggs, and stumbleupon are all common known names that only a few years ago were non existent. Today these social elements highly not only influence users but search engines as well.

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