Give to the Web and the Web will Give to you

Jan 29, 2010

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When performing search engine optimization one of the most important things to do is to receive inbound links that will help build the reputation and authority of the site. It is not advised to have a lot of outbound links all over your site, however in today’s internet marketing world you have to show some love to others in order to become more popular.

Yeah it is important to get links, but internet land has changed over time as it has become a lot more social. We are in a social world more so online than offline because online you can communicate at a much faster pace than offline. In the old days of link building to strengthen the reputation of a site you did a lot of asking other webmasters to link to you.

In today’s link building era it is a lot more about not only what you contribute to the web as far as your website is concerned but what you do to add to the social web as well. Blogs, forums, social bookmarking, social networking, video sites, and news sites are just a few of several of examples of how you can give to the web by joining a group, starting a group, or by adding a review or comment.

It is true that social butterflies usually have more friends and that is because they are always talking to new people, in business we call that networking, in internet marketing we call that social networking. If you give more of yourself you will start to see that more people will want to follow you and that is every business owners goal.

Rand Fishkin of SEOMoz did a great video of giving and receiving when he was doing a spoof around Christmas and was Rand Fishclause. Watch the video of Give and Ye Shall Receive.

If you want to be successful online you have to go out and share your knowledge, advice, tips, hints, or talk about others that offer good advice that helps collaborate your thoughts. Networking is a very powerful tool that some businesses do offline very well.

For businesses online networking is a mandatory thing, not just something that you can try to do here and there. The more you give to the web the more the web will give to you. Please join in on the conversation by leaving your thoughts and ideas.

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