Mar 25, 2010
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One of the biggest problems that Google faces is that there is a lot of junk out there on the web and so they have to create systems to help determine what is junk and secondly how to set a priority schedule on how to crawl junk content. One of the biggest indicators that helps a search engine determine what is junk content is Duplicate Content. Duplicate content is a huge thing online and can even happen to the best of sites, especially blogs where there can be category pages and then the actual post page itself. This is why the canonical tags are so important to a search engine because that tag can quickly help them understand the original content.

Low Quality content can also be an indicator to Googlebot in processing the importance of what to crawl. Websites that have very low quality content or have a lot of affiliated type of content are all good signs that Googlebot does not need to spend to much time crawling the content. This is why it is always important to have good content that actually adds value to the web.

All images provided by SEOMoz.