A Quick Guide About Browsers and the Web

Nov 29, 2010

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This month the World Wide Web is 20 years old as Tim Berners Lee wrote his official World Wide Web Proposal which was published on November 12, 1990. Although there are millions and millions of people throughout the world who use the internet on a daily basis as if it was like breathing air, there are still many many people who do not know what browsers really are and how the web actually works.

Google has been hard at work trying to perfect the way they can speed up the web and one of the main components of that goal is to provide a web browser that can move really fast. The Google Chromium team has put together a quick guide for people to learn more about the web and how browsers actually work.

You can learn more in this special project they put together called “20 Things I Learned about Browsers and the Web” as they teamed up with Christopher Niemann, an illustrator, in order to publish this quick guide book.

20 things I learned about the web screenshot

You will be able to learn about thing such as:
  • TCP/IP
  • Bandwidth
  • Cloud Computing
  • Web Apps
  • Browsers
  • Plug-Ins
  • And More…

Enjoy learning a little bit more about how the World Wide Web and the browsers you use everyday actually work to bring you what you want at your fingertips.

Happy Reading!

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