Facebook vs. Google

Jun 27, 2011

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Facebook vs. Google

One of the big topics in internet marketing in 2011 is the “battle” between Facebook and Google. Google is admitedly scared of Facebook and undoubtedly wishes they had come up with Facebook. Currently, Facebook gets 1 out of every 3 clicks in the online media buy industry. In other words, in terms of buying ad space on other websites, Facebook is king! If you are a Facebook user, it would seem obvious at this point that the ads are prevalent and being purchased by small and large businesses across the world.

The Battle

The battle is really over advertisers. Google wants the advertisers using Google Adwords and Facebook wants advertisers using their platform for ads. Google is still the #1 used website on the internet with Facebook as a close 2nd place. Google is a great place to get noticed, but Facebook is as well. Facebook advertising is one of the fastest growing advertising mediums on the planet. While only 22 percent of small businesses report having used Facebook Ads since its launch, nearly two-thirds (65 percent) of these say that they would use the service again, citing ease of use (67 percent) and the ability to start and stop campaigns (65 percent) as the top reasons for continuing. On the other hand, of the 35 percent of merchants who said they would not advertise with Facebook again, 69 percent said that the ads did not help them to acquire new customers, and 35 percent said the ads were too expensive. Facebook has over 500 million active users as of this blog post date. For more information, visit Facebook statistics.

Its a Decision

The battle is really over when the advertiser finds out what kind of traffic they want. At Innovation Simple, we focus on the organic or natural side of Google results pages. We do this for clients and we do this for ourselves. For most businesses, its a matter of who you are trying to target. For others, its a matter of the type of product. Some products just aren’t realistically marketable on Facebook. However, because of Facebook’s targeting tool with demographic information, they are truly a powerful force for driving leads to target markets that could otherwise not be reached. One example where Facebook ads can truly be a miracle worker is with new inventions or novelty items. Certain items just aren’t searched in Google because there is no market for them. In this instance, Facebook ads could be a great way for inventors or business owners to launch a new product with no market and see if the product can get any traction.

Is Facebook For You?

If you target consumers, chances are Facebook is a very vaible way to gain new customers, whether through their paid or natural marketing techniques. If you are looking to hit a massive audience, it couldn’t be simpler than using Facebook. Again, it depends on product and target market. However, look into this form of marketing if this is the case for you.

Is Google For You?

This is a simple answer – probably. There are two parts to Google in terms of marketing mediums – the organic part and the paid part. After performing comprehensive keyword research, the decision to use Google or not for advertising typically becomes clear. Contact Innovation Simple for a keyword research proposal which will identify keywords you can target on Google.

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