How Social Media Can Help Your Job Search

Apr 24, 2014

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Many of us have been taught that when it comes to job searches, it’s more about who you know than what you know. This age-old notion reinforces the value of networking—the process where potential future employers and employees get to know each other and share ideas and contact information. Today, social media simplifies this process. Having an extensive (yet still professional) online presence is more important than ever, as many companies will search the web for potential employees and initially make networking connections online. Below are four key ways to maximize social media tools and increase your odds of landing that perfect job:

Actually Use Your LinkedIn Profile

LinkedIn may seem like it is only helpful for established professionals, but more and more people are joining this online network to assist in their job searches.
With 300 million members across the globe, LinkedIn is the perfect way for prospective employees to search for jobs and learn more about a company and its employees—all from the comfort of their couch! Because many people set their Facebook profiles to private, LinkedIn is an alternative way to learn more about the hobbies, skills and personalities of people who work for a company.

Spread the Word

The wonderful thing about social platforms like Facebook is their ability to communicate with a lot of people quickly.
Update your status with a link to your online resume or portfolio, letting people know your qualifications and what type of work you are looking for.When you have hundreds of online friends, all it takes is one person seeing a post and passing the information along. Your friends want to see you succeed, and everyone knows someone who is hiring.That someone could end up being your next boss!

Create Relevant Hashtags

When using hashtags, especially on Twitter, make sure they relate to your job search and to the specific companies you would like to work for.
Not only will this help you browse other content with your same hashtags that could be related to job postings, but it will show potential employers that you are serious about their brand. Retweet the hiring manager’s tweets or share stories on your Facebook that link back to the company’s website. Many employers will browse the social media accounts of their job applicants—and you will win extra points by having posted positive content that relates to your dream job.

Learn Basic HTML and Hyperlink Your Resume

While many young people view social media usage as second-nature, being able to navigate Pinterest, Vine and Google+ likely is a skill set your future employer highly values.
Use your resume to show what you know by linking to your social media accounts or online projects you have managed. Use online resources like w3schools to master the basics of coding, and then build an HTML resume with active social media links. A working knowledge of popular technology can give you a leg up on other job candidates. For more suggestions on how to use social media in your job search, visit and

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