Internet Explorer 6 Discontinued

Jun 8, 2011

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Friends don’t let friends use Internet Explorer 6IE 6 Countdown Website

If I had my way no one would use any version of Internet Explorer at all but at the very least not version 6. Microsoft themselves and many web development companies have announced that they no longer support IE 6. Even Google recently announced that they will only support the latest two versions of any browser.

Internet Explorer Problems

Any developer can tell you, IE has a way of doing whatever it wants and assuming developers will follow along. With almost any website there is a stylesheet (a file that tells the website content how to behave and appear) for all browsers and then a separate custom tailored stylesheet for IE. This is because many things that work in almost all other browsers either don’t work in IE or don’t work the same way. Anytime you implement anything past background colors, borders, and standard fonts IE has to have custom tailored styles to appear the same as other browsers. This makes browser compatibility quite difficult for sites that get more complex and design-esk. We can see this in several places.


EXAMPLE >> CSS DropshadowsInformational Page

Viewed in Google Chrome

Viewed in Internet Explorer 8


EXAMPLE >> CSS Semi TransparencyInformational Page

Viewed in Google Chrome

Viewed in Internet Explorer 8



Here I have given examples of only a couple of IE’s many, many compatibility issues. As a professional web developer I can tell you that I have run into more problems with IE (IE 6 especially) compatibility issues then all the other browsers combined. HTML / CSS were created and meant to be fairly flimsy ‘languages’ in the first place, but IE takes misinterpretation of code to a whole new level. So what’s the solution? Switch to a better browser and view all your favorite websites the way they were meant to be viewed!

Google Chrome >> Download Page
Mozilla Firefox >> Download Page

IE6 Funeral

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