Making the Most Out of Your Brown-Bag

Oct 28, 2014

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brown lunch

Tips on Making a Scrumptious Lunch

The iconic brown-bag lunch has been around since 1852 yet somehow has lasted through the ages. It’s form has taken many shapes and sizes but the contents remain relatively similar. Here are some tips to simplify and delicify your money-saving lunch.

1. Make dinner with lunch in mind.

Next time you make your favorite butternut squash soup or sweet and sour chicken, make a little extra so that you can pack it up for tomorrow’s lunch. This isn’t too difficult and it will help you look forward to opening the brown-bag rather than trying to rationalize your way around eating it and buying fast-food instead.

2. Keep a “Savings” Log

Buying lunch is usually more appealing, but much more costly. According to Time magazine, those who eat out everyday spend an average of $2,500 on lunch every year. By brown-bagging it, you could save up to 80 percent on your food costs for lunch and retain an estimated $31,200 in a 10 year period.

If you have a hard time eating out of the brown bag, have a running tally at your desk where you can keep track of how much you saved that day by eating in.

3. Think Differently

There might well be an infinite number of ideas for lunch out there. Go looking and find fun and easy ideas to copy. This won’t only help you save money, it will also give you something to look forward to at lunch time.

4. Have Courage to Say “No”

The pull of proximity can be fatal. Have the courage to beat the stigma and say no to eating out. Not that it is a bad thing at all, but if you’re trying to save money or eat healthy don’t let others around you pull you away from your goals. While doing this, don’t be a hermit. Designate a day to go out with co-workers and friends. It’s important to keep those social situations in place, but you don’t have to do it everyday.

5. Invite Others to Join You

In tandem with the courage to say no, have the courage to invite someone else to join you. It’s always easier to accomplish goals when you have someone else to keep you honest and join with you.

Now this list isn’t exhaustive, but it should give you some new reasons to brown-bag it everyday.

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