How to Write the Perfect Blog Post

Sep 10, 2014

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Tips on Avoiding the ‘Blah’ Blog

perfect blog post, blog post, tips on blogging, best blogging practices, blogger, avoid bad blogging

Let’s be honest for a second here. It is impossible to write a perfect blog post. But, with some work we can come pretty darn close.

As the internet becomes more cluttered, we need to create content that is neat and tidy if we hope to reach our audience. The ultimate goal of blogging is to engage your audience in conversations about the company that generate relationships and engagement rather than merely “views” or “likes.”

The tips below will help you on your path to writing the perfect post, but keep in mind that it takes hard work to write well.

First | Define Your Social Media Strategy.

To improve the overall effectiveness of your digital campaign, clearly define goals and write out the steps you’ll take to achieve them. If you don’t have a clear direction, then you’re driving blind. You need to know where you’re going before you make a plan of how to get there. Even if you can’t have a material or tangible goal, writing with the end in mind improves the quality and content of your posts.

Second | The Nuts and Bolts

These are some of the less glamorous but equally important rules to posting:

Word count between 400-1000.
Include headers, bullet points, and small paragraphs for easy reading.
Write about trends that your audience can benefit from reading.
Make it a conversation rather than a lecture.
Always include a call to action – “check out our Facebook for more details…”
Be consistent. Don’t wander aimlessly. Stick to one topic within a post.

Third | Content

This doesn’t need much explaining. We all know that to be effective we have to include meaningful relevant content – that content is key. When I walk down the frozen aisle I expect to see Stoffers, not stocking stuffers. But something you may not know, is that Google is starting to give more weight in searches to websites that are SSL encrypted; more commonly known as https websites. So when linking your content to relevant websites, try to find sites that are secured with https.

Fourth | Measure Your Success

Remember that getting “likes” on Facebook isn’t an accurate indicator of engagement. You can waste precious time, energy and effort if your goal is to reach 1,000 likes or gain 50 new Twitter followers unless you include goals to engage that audience in conversation about the brand. So make sure you have measurable goals you can well, measure.

Here’s a great infographic to use as a guide in measuring your success.

blog posts, better blogging, how to measure success, how to write the perfect blog

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