Instagram 101

May 28, 2013

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Jonathan Rose

Photo Mapping and Hash Tagging

With so many similarities between Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter you might be thinking your Facebook is enough. Why should you bother with more social media when you’re already on Facebook? Well, you’ve answered your own question. It’s more social media, more views, and wider spread knowledge about you and your business. Here are a few Instagram concepts to help you utilize the Insta-feed:

What is Instagram?

Instagram is one of the most popular apps in today’s main stream social media. Unlike Facebook and other social media platforms, Instagram sharing is dedicated exclusively to photos. Here you or your business can post pictures of your products to attract followers and gain popularity.

How the Instagram Hash Tag Works

Much like Twitter’s hash tagging system, when you create a post on Instagram you can also include a hash tag in the comment under your photo. By including the (#) symbol before a word, (#word) or string of words without spaces, (#wordswithoutspaces) the app links your hash tag in their system. Users can then search Instagram posts by hash tags in addition to seeing feeds they are following on their home screen (or Insta-feed).

Mastering the Hash Tag

The hash tag is a great tool that can easily be used to the advantage of marketing your business. By connecting your pictures to tags with topics related to your business, such as #run or #race for your shoe marketing, you will automatically connect with potential customers. In addition, using trending hash tags (tags that are popular day to day) you can also reach out to a variety of Instagrammers who are searching a variety of fun tags.

Creating your own hash tags is another attractive way to gain a following. A successful hash tag is a tag that is used by multiple people. By combining traditional or trending tags with your unique and personal tags you can also attract fun interaction with potential followers and customers on Instagram.

Photo Mapping

Similar to Facebook’s location feature, Instagram also allows you to tag your pictures to a location. By tagging your location you allow Instagrammers to search you by location. They can also search for posts near their current location. When you tag your location you can select your location from a generated list, or you can create your own location which will then be saved in the app for others to use later.

Being creative and interesting in a consistent posting patter will help you gain followers rather than just visitors. People enjoy following Insta-feeds that they find amusing, interesting, or amazing. By grabbing their attention with one photo you can lead them to your feed. But by having an attractive feed history, you can then gain a follower, rather than a onetime visitor.

What other ways have you made Instagram helpful for your business?

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