#1 in Google and in Good Shape: An Analogy

Jan 22, 2014

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Reaching the top of Google’s search engine is a lot like losing weight. You can’t just hop into the gym twice a week for 20 minutes, lift weights, drink protein shakes, and expect to lose weight. Reaching rank #1 in Google requires patience. But you’re not worried about that. You’re a professional and you know that all good things take time. You’re here for the long haul.

Just like losing weight, you need to invest time to reach #1 in Google. But time spent in the gym does not ensure victory. You need to do the right workouts in the right intervals. You need to push yourself to the max and give it your all every time you walk in the door. The combination of weight lifting, cardio endurance training, flexibility, and disciplined eating habits will help you lose weight.

Reaching #1 in Google is much the same. You cannot just create links 40 minutes a week and expect to move up the rankings in one month. In fact if all you do is link building you’ll never reach #1. You need to diversify your efforts. Link building is not as important as it used to be. You need to focus on content. Your goal should be to create a group of loyal followers. Make your social media, blogs, and releases interesting. Keep your website updated and easy to navigate. Listen to your customers feedback and your website analytics and make changes accordingly.

Be patient. Be consistent. You’re here for the long haul. You aren’t afraid to work 6 months without seeing major results. You know that victory comes to the patient. Google will notice your efforts, and so will your clients. Keep your eye on your analytics page and on your goals. Keep your website fresh and work on lowering your bounce rate. Remember that your money is usually made in a higher conversion rate. Learn what you need to do to raise it. We believe in you.

Here are some things to look into:

Google Authorship
Social Media Usage
Optimizing your website for SEO
Developing Your Brand

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