3 Creative Marketing Tips to get more Visitors

Nov 19, 2012

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The more creative you get with your marketing, the more attention you will attract to yourself. In this post I would like to share 3 tips to make your marketing more creative!

Create an amazing blog.

When I talk about creating a blog, its not just any blog that you want to have. You want a blog that grabs people’s attention by delivering outstandingly valuable, useful, or entertaining material — consistently. That is what this is all about!

You need to focus on creating the most valuable content and then you will start to see the successes of your blogging efforts

Give some of your best work away for free.

I cannot stress this enough. Are you looking for more clients/customers? If yes then this should be your number 1 strategy.

When you give value away for free, then you will be able to get more subscribers, potential clients, proposals, you name it you will get it. Do a brainstorm session and put your best stuff out there and people will run with it!

Borrow someone else’s audience.

It sucks when you spend a lot of time on something and it seems like you don’t get any traction on it when you share it. This is a great strategy when you are trying to get off the ground or have something new that you want to toot your horn about. Find the movers and shakers in the industry and see if you can get them to share your information for you! It will go a long way!

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