3 Free Tools for PowerfulPinterest Marketing

Nov 24, 2012

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Keeping Up with Your Audience

Pinterest is the third most popular social network in the United States, offering marketers a variety of opportunities to extend their business and get a larger reach to a greater audience. For those with limited time, there is good news. In this post I will share 3 powerful Pinterest marketing tools that are absolutely free!

Pin Alerts

Pin Alerts

Pin Alerts simply sends email alerts to your inbox when images from your website are pinned on Pinterest. This is kind of like Google Alerts in the fact that you are getting notifications. You could even use this for competitors that you closely watch. This is a great tool for you to connect with the people who are pinning your content.



Pinstamatic can help you create and pin content such as snapshots of your website, quotes, text, sticky notes, Twitter snapshots, calendar dates, location maps, and photos with captions. The dashboard gives marketers the ability to create content for pinning on Pinterest without the need of editing software or skills.



Pinerly, now known as Reachli, is one of the few tools available on the Web that helps you in measuring the progress of your Pinterest campaigns. You can pin new content through Reachli’s dashboard to your boards in order to track their progress in terms of likes, clicks, and repins.

The dashboard is helpful for learning about past Pinterest campaigns which ultimately assists you in your future campaigns. It also makes suggestions for people to follow which can help you with repining and building your own following

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