3 Lessons Your Business Can Learn from Mommy Bloggers

Jan 7, 2014

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Photo by Flickr Anonymous User

If you’ve been present in the blogging world within the past ten years, you may have noticed who the real stars in blogging are: young moms. Not only are these moms completely dominating the blogging world, but they are doing it so well that they are making a living off of it. (You’d be shocked to find out how much these moms are actually making with their cute, trendy blogs!) But if you’re thinking that they all just came upon this blogging success with mere luck, you’ve got it all wrong. These moms know what they’re doing when it comes to their blogging careers, and there’s a thing or two that your business could learn from them!

1. First of all, mommy bloggers are present on all forms of social media. Yes, that means they have Instagram, Twitter, Vine, and Pinterest accounts in addition to their blogs. And they’re not just present on these platforms; they are posting daily on them. Take Taza for example (a well-known nickname for Naomi Davis, one of the most famous mommy bloggers). One hour ago she posted a picture on Instagram; that photo now has 8,000 likes and over 100 comments. Her presence on social media leads people to look at her blog because she’s constantly telling her followers that she has posted a new blog post.

2. Secondly, they network with local and relevant companies. These mommy bloggers are not only including advertisements on their blogs, but they are collaborating with companies to bring free gifts to their readership. Let’s look at Liz Stanley from Say Yes to Hoboken. Her blog offers tips and tricks to living a more stylish and crafty lifestyle. Last month she offered a giveaway of Albion Fit products ($250 dollars worth) plus a coupon for 30% off all online store purchases for anyone reading. Not only do her readers benefit, but her blog benefits and so does Albion Fit. Free advertising for everyone!

3. Lastly, these mommy bloggers create a relationship with their readers. They are not just writing for themselves; they are writing for readers who devote hours to reading their blogs. Joanna Goddard of A Cup of Jo is an excellent example of a blogger who knows her readership. A magazine-writer turned blogger, she has an understanding of her audience and she knows how to earn their loyalty. In one series she wrote, she talked about motherhood around the world, which perfectly suits the millions of moms reading her blog; if that’s not catering to her readership, I don’t know what is. If businesses would provide for their customers like these mommy bloggers provide for their readers, catering to their needs and desires, they would see a great improvement in their business efforts.

So let 2014 be a different year for your business! Innovation Simple can help you get started on reaching your customers in similar ways that these mommy bloggers are reaching their readers!

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