5 Keys to a Good Website

Jun 5, 2015

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Every business in the world needs a good website. The internet makes the world go round, and if your company doesn’t have an effective website you can expect little to no legitimacy in the world.

Designing and maintaining a website might be complicated, but here are five overall ways to ensure your website is benefiting your business.

1. User friendly

Any person who visits your website must be able to navigate and find the information they’re looking for efficiently and easily. If a user must sift through piles of information and confusing links before they find it chances are they will give up before they find it. And be frustrated will not likely visit your site again. If that happens, your website was not user friendly.

2. Images

The human mind is naturally attracted to shapes and images. Let those shapes and images tell your company’s story on your website. If anything is too text heavy users will get discouraged easily and go somewhere else.

3.  Mobile Friendly

According to the Pew Research Center about 60 percent of all web traffic comes through a mobile device. And that number is expected to only increase. Mobile friendly sites are the future, and if yours isn’t in line with the future you can expect to miss out on a lot of web traffic.

4.  Constant Updates 
Users want to see that your website is frequently updated and changed. This is not only to keep updated information flowing, but also to show that you take care of your website and believe it’s important. Users will trust a website with frequent updates.

5. Boosted SEO 
All the aforementioned practices are rendered useless unless web surfers are able to find your website. Search Engine Optimization is the key to driving traffic to your site and through the use of keywords, activity on social media, internal links, and overall natural and quality content will go a long way in boosting your site’s ranking in internet searches.

If you follow these steps, a good website is yours for the taking.

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