5 reasons your small business should market on Facebook

Jul 28, 2015

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Today, we wanted to talk about why your small  business should market on Facebook.

Facebook allows you to target who matters to your business

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With the help of Facebook analytics, you have access to demographics from your audience. You can use this information to specify your strategy and execute from there.

Return-on-investment (ROI)

39% of small business receive a return-on-investment (ROI) from using social media platforms.

How can you increase your return-on-investment?

Two words: Time and Dedication.

If you spend more time engaging with followers and creating content for your market, you will be better in the long run. You need to remember to be creative and execute strategy based on gained insights.

Word of mouth

Customers can express their experiences on the company Facebook page, Customer opinions have the potential to reach and been seen by hundreds of people.

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Effective and Scaleable

Facebook marketing is one of the most effective tools on the Internet because of the magnitude of people you can reach.

Facebook is useful for sharing content

With a mix of creativity and strategy, you can create shareable content for your audience. Facebook likes, shares, and comments help your content spread to other users.

Here at Innovation Simple, we help our customers maximize their business social media efforts and increase your brand awareness. Contact us to learn more today.

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