5 SEO Trends Every Entrepreneur Needs to Know for 2014

Jan 24, 2014

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If you are an entrepreneur that relies heavily on online presence, it is important that you take a look at the following trends to help you understand that the SEO landscape is changing.

Effective SEO has three pillars. A good SEO strategy has three pillars to it: links, components, and social media. In the last year, people have noticed that the key is how these three components work together. The content you put online needs to target the needs of your audience. Social media is a trigger that lets search engines know that certain people find your content valuable. Links from highly reputable companies will give your site credibility. If you are able to generate quality content, the stronger SEO presence will pick up on it.

Content marketing moves toward digital maturity. Brands need to become really good at telling their own stories and getting the right content to the right audience. When the content can be tracked and measured the greater return on investment a company seems to have. A measured course of action will always yield greater results.

Mobile is no longer optional. With advances in technology such as Google’s Hummingbird updates, it is harder for companies to rank well if they do not have a good mobile strategy. Responsive design and mobile content is key to a successful SEO result. Let’s be honest, half of Americans have smartphones and more than a third own tablets.

Build your brand. A strong brand plays a huge role in SEO. As your brand content and strategy for the future progress the better your SEO will grow over time. Brand plays an important role in the development of your company’s self-image and overall approval rating.

Build your social media, especially Google Plus. Shares and mentions on social media sites have become increasingly important in building your SEO ranking. If you don’t already have a strong social media presence for your business we suggest you get one, and quick. Social media has grown so much that it is now being used to help determine search engine rankings.

For more info on SEO strategy and the importance of growing your online presence visit www.entrepreneur.com.

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