Jun 26, 2013

Blog Your Way to Better Business
Keeping an updated blog for your business is more important than it has ever been. Blogging is a great way to keep you connected to your customers and relevant in the digital marketing world.
1. Keep Your Customers in Mind
When writing a blog it is easy to spread yourself too thin as far as your content goes. Be sure you plan out your blog posts based on who your target is. Your target should be the people who keep you in business. Dig deep, using all relevant data to find out who your customers really are and build a persona around that target customer so you can always have them in mind when writing a blog post. Make sure you and the rest of your team has the same ideas about who the customer is so you can stay right on target.
2. Listen Through Social Media
The customers who read your blog will most likely be ones who spend time on social media. Make sure you are utilizing your social media presence to create conversations with your customers. These conversations will give you key insights into what your customers are looking for as far as content. Sometimes you need to test certain types of content out to see if your customers will respond positively. A social media post is a great way to test out small amounts of content and begin to get an idea of how your customers react to it.
3. Do Not Be Afraid of Problems
It is very important when listening to your customers to find out what their problems are, especially if they have a problem with your company. Too often people are afraid to address problems and concerns directly. Dealing with problems head on is a great way to show your customers that you are listening to them. It builds credibility and gives your company a sense of humanity. People like being heard. When you take the time to listen to your customers problems they will be happier with the way you do business and they will be more likely to develop business loyalty.
4. Stay Linked
Make sure that all your online communication outlets are linked up. Anyone who stumbles upon your blog should be able to tell what social media outlets you use and should be able to get to them easily. The same goes for the other way around. Make sure that those who follow your company through social media know that you have a blog. In like manner, if you have any email subscription services, each email you send out should have quick and easy links to your blog, website or social media pages. Another great way to stay linked is to make sure you have quick link buttons on your blog and website so that customers can easily share your content or products with people through their social media pages.
5. Write Headlines Like a Pro
Finally, pay very close attention to your headlines. The title or headline of your posts will determine whether or not anyone will want to read what you have to say. It is the difference between a click and no-click. Give yourself adequate time to come up with titles that will draw your audience in. Your ability to write in general is extremely important to develop, but your headlines are a great place to start.
How do you keep your blog relevant in the digital world?