6 Quick E-Commerce Tips

Nov 15, 2010

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These 6 Quick Tips could greatly enhance your e-commerce store or other portion of your website.

Tip #1 – Make Your Shipping, Exchange, and Return Policies a Selling Point

The Big retailers have gotten go good at this, people love to buy from them. Make these policies easy to find, understand, and make them drive sales higher. Don’t hide them. If people can’t find them, they won’t buy.

Tip #2 – Offer Free Shipping Whenever Possible

People just like free shipping, what can you say. People just tend to buy things when they don’t see additional prices attached to the price. Its easier to feel good about it.

Tip #3 – Email Marketing to Customers

Dump your buyers into an email marketing database. Then of course, drip on them great offers. End of story, just do it.

Tip #4 – Have a great looking Identity and website


Tip #5 – Security, Security, Security

Make your security policies and procedures awesome. Consider using HackerProof or another security service that Innovation Simple offers. We are experts in security for websites.

Tip #6 – Don’t Ask for Too Much

The checkout process must be simple. Your shopping cart needs to be well designed and a one-click checkout may be in order for you. Think about how many steps it takes to buy from you and then compare that to how long it takes customers to buy from In-n-Out.

Call Innovation Simple at 888-55-WEBSITE with any e-commerce questions you may have.

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