
Jan 15, 2009

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One of the hardest things to do is find new information that you want to talk about on your website. I have used several sources to help me find new things that are happening in my industry including blogs and news sites. I have found a website that pulls everything into one place called Addictomatic.

This website will pull back information from around the web about whatever subject you want. What you do is type in a keyword like a search engine and it will pull from resources around the web including blogs, news sources, video sites, and more. You can customize what sources it will pull back information from and then they drop down in boxes on the screen each with titles of articles that you can click on to actually go to the article.

This really saves a lot of time as it pulls all of the information for you from different sources instead of you having to go to all of those places individually. Want to know what is being discussed in your industry right now then you simply type whatever keyword phrase best describes your industry and it will show you whatever you want.

The results are customizable as you can pick what sources you want to choose from and then also move and arrange the boxes on the page in the orders that you want. It is like building your own IGoogle page or Yahoo page, but this is all about what your individual keyword.

You can bookmark the page and come back to it for future reference as well. It will show you the hot topics and let you browse through various news resources at a simple click of a link.

Great place to gather information from various sources to help you create and think of new content to write about on your website or blog.

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