April Fool’s Day Marketing

Apr 1, 2014

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Social Media Marketing
Crowdtilt’s Silicon Island

The Internet provides a whole new platform for April Fool’s Day jokes, giving billion-dollar companies more chances to win our attention. As much as we love a company that can provide a good product/service, we love a company with a good product/service and a good sense of humor even more! So if you think that your company can’t or shouldn’t participate in the Internet’s comedy culture, you may want to think again! Look at 2014’s best Internet jokes!

1. Google’s Shelfie:

In 2013 the word “selfie” was added to the dictionary. Well, this April Fool’s Day, Google took it one step further by creating the “shelfie” (the shareable selfie). Gmail users today received a notification that they would no longer need to keep their selfies to themselves, that they could share them using the “shelfie.”

2. Twitter Helmet:

For this year’s April Fool’s Day joke, Twitter announced a new Twitter helmet allowing the wearer to tweet through a simple “pecking” head motion. Forget the inconvenience of pulling out your smartphone to tap out all 140 characters of your tweet; tweet with your head—literally!

3. Crowdtilt’s Silicon Island:

Perhaps the best prank of 2014 is this utopian island, a man-made island off the coast of California for entrepreneurs and and tech-geeks. The company made an imaginary goal of $25 million dollars for the initial development of the island, and pretended that they had already gained 84% of this money so as to lure potential buyers. The joke is completely thought-out, with buyer rewards detailed and pictures to entice any viewers!

So before you get thinking that there’s no room for play in the workplace, think again! These companies’ jokes are free marketing!

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