Article Marketing

Article Marketing Works

Dec 1, 2011

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Why Article Marketing Works So Well

Article marketing is a type of advertising in which businesses write short articles related to their respective industry. Article marketing being one of the oldest methods of bringing in new traffic to a website can be an upcoming topic if you are to master Marketing Online. The reason this form of marketing is so effective is because search engines love quality content; and that is found in article directories. These articles are made available for distribution and publication in the marketplace. Well-written content articles released for free distribution have the potential to increase the business credibility within its market. Also it helps in attracting new clients. These articles are often syndicated by other websites, and published on multiple websites.

It is an established reality that article marketing works and there are several reasons why it works. Today we are going to be elaborating few of the reasons why article marketing works and how an individual in the capacity of a marketer can benefit by adding this method to the marketing plan.

  • Especially in the today’s information age where content is king and links increase your search engine score, article marketing proved itself by standing alone as the only effective form of marketing without spending a penny. It’s free to submit articles and you can submit as many articles as you like.
  • A well-written article will convince people searching for information that you have the answers to questions they are seeking.
  • You can do whatever you want with the articles you put up online. You can take them and republish them if that’s something you want to do. The information you’ve provided in your articles have been useful to many people, so it makes sense to squeeze it for all it’s worth. After all, visitors will come to your site from wherever you chose to put your articles. If you have a bunch of articles online, you should try to put them with each other so that they garner as much value as possible. A great way to go about this is to make a PDF file from all the articles you’ve created that you can then give away as a report. You will more than likely see that your visitors really enjoy getting your information in that manner.
  • When you use article marketing effectively you will begin to brand yourself as a leader. A leader takes the time to share their knowledge and helps other people to become successful in their life. Because each article you submit will contain an author resource box, which will include your knowledge, experience and contact information. An informative article that is submitted to article directories and other places across the internet will help build credibility for you and your business. When someone search the Internet for information and chooses your article to solve a problem, you become the expert on that topic. Becoming an expert and leader in your target market will help you build credibility as well as attract new customers to your business.
  • Articles can be used in many different ways to build your online business. You can submit your articles to article directories, use them on your own website, blog, or newsletter and more. Submitting articles is a proven method of advertising, which builds the credibility, brand, search engine ranking, traffic, and long-term growth and stability of your business.

Every internet marketer is aware of how important Google is for traffic, therefore to get the most out of Google, a few important things are needed. Google uses page rank to determine the usefulness of a page. Article marketing allows you to create links to your site by using directories with high page ranks. Your site’s page ranking will increase and Google will begin favoring your site more. Basically, article marketing is something that’s been proven to work by many internet marketing professionals, and there’s literally no risk to it, so you should attempt to try it now.

In conclusion, the above article marketing benefits show how it can be useful to get relevant traffic, something that every online marketer should keep in mind and try. As getting your business off to a solid start and gaining momentum through article submission is very important towards the pursuit of mastering marketing online.

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