Authors Biography

Oct 16, 2008

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A very good way to increase your exposure online is to write articles and market them across the web. Article directories are constantly looking for new content that they can offer to their customers and visitors. The most important part in writing articles is the author’s biography.

The author’s biography is where you can insert more information about you and your company. Most importantly you can offer some links that will point back to your website. The most important thing you will want to do is to have the anchor text in the links for the keywords you are targeting.

Here is an example of what you may have in your biography:

Gaydon Leavitt is a web designer who is a professional in Las Vegas web design and in Las Vegas search engine optimization.

Here is what this will look like after it is published:

Gaydon Leavitt is a web designer who is a professional in Las Vegas web design and in Las Vegas search engine optimization.

Normally you can have a link back to your homepage and a subpage. This will give the reader more insight into the author and into your company. Articles are great in helping to brand a company and to show off the company’s authority in a particular industry.

When you are writing articles make sure to include links back to your website in the author’s biography section. Some article directories will allow you to have links in the article body itself.

As you write more articles and market them through the article directories with links pointing back to your website it will increase your inbound links and improve your search engine rankings.

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