Bookmark the Bookmark

Nov 10, 2008

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Social bookmarking is a huge thing that is happening in the world of internet marketing. The main reason why is because these social bookmarking companies are gaining more authority as they get bigger and bigger. Socially bookmarking pages can have a profound influence in search engine optimization.

Every one of the social bookmarking companies have it setup so internet users can create their own profile with their name and pictures and so forth. These profiles allow internet users to create a presence online about themselves and to also create links back to their website.

This is a very important part of seo because social bookmarking is an excellent way to get backlinks into a website. There are some social bookmarking websites that do not follow links back to the website but they still give a website some exposure.

One of the things that many people do not do is bookmark the social bookmarking profiles that they have already setup. This is a perfect way to show the search engines that not only are the websites that you are bookmarking are important, but the social bookmarking profile you set up is also important.

What this means is that you set up social bookmarking profile A and set up social bookmarking profile B. You bookmark websites with profile A and then you bookmark profile A with profile B. This is called bookmarking the bookmark.

This is an excellent way to grow your websites exposure and presence on the internet. The more social bookmarking profiles you have the better. If you only have one profile setup with all of the social bookmarking companies and you continually use these to bookmark with then the search engines can see what you are up to .

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