Cyber Monday Top Specials

Nov 29, 2010

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Cyber Monday is here and big retailers are making big pushes in their online marketing efforts in order to spur larger sales volumes and momentum. Retailers are seeing more and more consumers going online to make more purchases and are therefore pushing bigger sales. According to ComScore “Cyber Monday sales are expected to pass $900 million this year, and could reach $1 billion, which would be the first time ever that online sales have topped that mark on a single day”.

This Cyber Monday follows a Black Friday that performed better than last year. The Trade Group stated that the average shopper spent $365.34, which was a 6.4% rise from last year. More and more people are spending more money both offline and online this year.

More retailers are starting their Cyber Monday promotions earlier as well this year as they have the past and is the day they offer the biggest discounts. It is estimated that 9 out of 10 retailers offer promotions on their websites for Cyber Monday which is the kickoff for a spur of shoppers for the shopping season. Analysts are expecting that the majority of purchases online would be around noon time as well as around 9 pm when everyone in all time zones will be mostly at home and off work.

According to one National Retail Federation survey 1/3 of the Americans who did their holiday shopping from Thanksgiving Day to Sunday did their shopping online resulting in a big 15.2% increase from last year.

Times are changing as technology improves the way people can spend their money online which has many benefits including, convenience, larger selection, huge sales, shipping options and more. Retailers must make huge pushes in online sales or they will be left behind.

To find the top Cyber Monday specials and deals you can go to

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