Digital Marketing Skills Every College Graduate Should Know

Aug 6, 2013

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Ian Ray

The Essentials

As college graduation nears, you may come to realize that you need to reevaluate your skill sets for your future occupations. Without any skills, you’ll be without a job.

As college graduation nears, you may come to realize that you need to reevaluate your skill sets for your future occupations. Without any skills, you’ll be without a job.

Here are 10 digital marketing skills that every college student should have before they graduate:

Setting up a Wi-Fi Network

There will be a time when you will have to set up your own wi-fi in your new house when you move out from college life.

Backing Up to the Cloud

Your hard drive can hold so much data that backing up your information on a cloud service like iCloud or Dropbox is handy to access your information anywhere.

Basic Photo Editing on Photoshop

Whether you’re in advertising, PR or marketing, it doesn’t hurt to know basic photo editing due to the fact that more careers require some sort of Photoshop skills.

Basic Video Editing in Final Cut Pro

Having video editing can be handy in the long run if you decide to use multimedia in press releases or advertising videos.

Google Drive and Microsoft Office

If building a spreadsheet is not in your skill set, it’s time to learn it because of the qualifications that many jobs require.

HTML and Basic Coding

Knowing the basics of building online content and HTML is needed for most web design and newsrooms in today’s age.

Setting Up a Website and Domain

In order to have a website for original work or branding your image, you should know WordPress and other website-building, domain name, and hosting services sites like Go Daddy are important.

Converting File Formats

With certain programs being able to convert files for you, other files that have tricky extensions may need to be done manually by someone with knowledge.

Online Banking

The days of keeping track of your expenses in a check book are long gone. Most banks offer online banking and mobile apps to deposit checks and transfer money between accounts.

Branding Yourself

Google your name to see what pops up and fix anything that might affect your image for prospective employees looking you up online.

What are some digital skills I may have missed that you learned in college?

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