Does Social Media Have a Future?

Aug 6, 2013

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Jonathan Rose

In the last 5 years we’ve seen huge changes in the social media realm. Businesses have begun to use of the world of social media. Twitter and Facebook have made the transition more than anyone would have ever imagined. In 2009, how the customer’s opinions affected social media was realized. And by the end of 2011, media was no longer a simple broadcast platform, but a network of sophisticated connections and worthwhile arrangements.

In 2012, another changing year, social media began to be viewed as a way of connecting potential consumers with brand identities, increasing brand awareness. And 2013 looks to be heading even more dramatically in the same direction.

Facebook on the Decline?

Some say that after looking at the findings of various companies, Facebook is on the decline. Suggestions say that 34% of Facebook users report using Facebook less over the past year, while only 3 % say they are continually using it more and more. But despite the alleged declining nature of Facebook, social media overall will continue to rise. Social media use as a whole is up 38% over last year. And has been predicted that that number will rise to 50% by the end of 2013.

Much of the social media increase is directly correlated to the increase in mobile technology. And as we all can tell, the mobile market is booming lately.

Social Media’s New Expectations

The general expectations of social media are changing. Social media is now a medium for communicating your brand, business, and professional career. Strategy and planning are now essential to being successful online. Social media users discovered that there is only so much time one is willing to devote to online networking. But businesses have discovered that their influence and online networking have tangible benefits.

When looking to the future, it’s anyone’s guess where social media will be in another 5 years. Maybe it will be dead? Or maybe it will be reinvented like we never imagined. The future is all up to those who are actively using social media. I think that puts us in charge, right?

Where do you see social media in 5 years?

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