Do’s and Don’ts on Valentine’s Day

Feb 14, 2014

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Love is in the air as cheery laughter and flowers petals adorn walkways of lover’s present or future. Despite all of the love and cuteness Valentine’s Day can be stressful. Whether for work reasons or your lack of caring, you forgot all about it. I think all of us at one point or another have had an epic fail when it comes to Valentine’s Day. The following is a list of do’s and don’ts for that special day.


Don’t Forget
This one is pretty easy to understand, DON’T FORGET! Make sure to mark it on your calendar, use red ink if you have to. Set a reminder on your phone a couple of days before so you can have time to plan what you are going to do.

Don’t Buy Kitchen Appliances
Nobody really wants to get a kitchen appliance for Valentine’s Day, or any appliance for that matter. There is nothing really romantic about a blender.

Don’t Overspend
This particularly is important if you share a bank account with your partner. Keep your date ideas within budget. If you overspend the whole time they will be thinking about how they can’t afford this and won’t be able to enjoy the evening.

Don’t Spend the Night in Front of the Screen
So often people tend to rely on their phones and screens for no reason. This is a night to be where you are when you’re there. Take time to talk and rekindle why you fell in love in the first place.


Send a Gift to Their Work
If they are employed outside of the home, it is a great idea to send flowers or something to their place of employment. It will show how much you care for them in front of their peers.

Cook for Them
This is a great way to show that you care for them and is out of the daily routine. It shows that you are willing to go the extra mile and can be a cheap alternative to going somewhere really fancy.

Write a Love Letter
When we say write a letter—we mean a letter, not an email, text message or card. This is something that can be extremely personal and romantic. Tell them how much they mean to you, a sure fire way to make them feel special.

Remember Romance
Valentine’s Day is all about romance. It means dressing up to go out to a nice dinner, it means leaving little gifts and notes throughout the day. Try to see yourself through their eyes! See how much they really care.

To read about more do’s and don’ts on Valentine’s Day click here.

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