Email Marketing Tips

Jul 22, 2008

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There are certain times to email customers that are better than others. Do you know what they are?

When emailing businesses the best times are between Tuesday and Thursday from 10:00 to 3:00 their local time. The reason for this is because Mondays are full of sales meetings for most businesses and Fridays are wrap up days. Tues. through Thurs. is when most businesses get the majority of their work done. You do not want to email at night because then your email will be one of many in the inbox in the morning. The best time to have an email in a business person’s inbox is right after lunch. Then your email will be one of a few and have the person’s direct attention.

When emailing customers the best time is Friday afternoon through Sunday around 6:00 local time as this is when most people check their personal emails. During the week Monday through Thursday the best time is 5:30 – 9:00 pm local time. This is when people come home from work and check their personal emails when they relax and get on their personal computers.

If you start your email campaigns during these times then you will increase your deliveries and opens. This will help you to also be in people’s inbox when you have their full attention.

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