Expo: 10% Branding 90% Specific Niche Solution

Dec 25, 2012

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Recently, I read a LinkedIn inquiry seeking expertise in the creation of an Expo booth. I am sure many presenters have similar interests.

Expos are amazing, noisy events proliferated with bright signs, moving parts, and a few sharply dressed reps. Looking at Expos holistically by purpose helps to successfully plan one. It’s simple. It’s all about clarity.

Here are a few things I have picked up that have increased our client effectiveness.

The Experience

Slow down, gain perspective. Keep in mind that while attending expositions, people seek information differently than they might while searching the web or reading trade magazines. Attendees resemble children in a candy store. They are eagerly present. They seek an experience. And they plan to go home with something.

An Expo is 10% Branding

Design your booth to create validity and to set an informed marketing presence. You must be recognizable as an authentic and cohesive vendor. An effective booth design will include the following:
1) Adherence to your overall company marketing plan.
2) Selection of colors from your branding style guide only. Keep your brand pure.
3) Assurance that your logo and tagline are readable from 50 feet and free of clutter. Simplicity wins.
4) Talented, informed representatives who are prepared to be courteous and professional. Look the part.

An Expo is 90% Specific Niche Solution

Show attendees how you solve their needs. Think of your 30 second elevator pitch; a tool that explains why your company is in business; a brief statement of purpose that every employee of your company should have practiced to proficiency. Realize that an exposition is all about taking that elevator pitch live. Communicate the opportunity educating the attendee about solutions you provide them.

Attendees must instantly and readily recognize what’s in it for them. Remember, they are hit with offerings all around. Keep it simple.

All booth and print materials must support your claim to providing a solution. Keep content brief and informative while making it understandable for all audiences. Define your acronyms and avoid jargon. Confused or insulted attendees are dissuaded from purchasing.

Train your representatives to act as resourceful and courteous professionals. Begin with how they dress. Assure that your brand is represented tastefully. For instance, if your company colors were red, white, and blue, then one rep may wear a blue shirt while an associate wears a white shirt with blue and red accessories. Always dress in business appropriate attire that will compliment your brand.

The representatives of your company should use support materials such as handouts, charts, and other print materials only as resources. They must first connect and interact verbally with booth visitors. Someone standing at the booth passing out flyers while only smiling is a fail. And worse than that if they are not smiling! Assure that your representatives, smile, approach people respectfully, and are open to effective communication.

As I stated originally, creating an effective booth at an Expo is simple. It’s about clarity. Be eagerly attentive to the little things. Provide clear, concise information in a balanced and fair approach. Your visitors seek an experience. Provide them with one. It’s not the banner only, but your people that create the greatest success.

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