Facebook For Businesses

Mar 13, 2014

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There was a time when companies didn’t have Facebook pages, when companies weren’t striving to increase their Twitter following, and when social media did not exist. For me, it seems impossible to imagine that as a possibility. Because now we live in an age where an estimated 43% of the United States Population uses Facebook. Because of this businesses that don’t utilize Facebook could be making ill-informed decisions.

Facebook gives businesses the chance to connect with their consumers on a personal level. Companies are able to request feedback, market new products, and share updates. Consumers are able to give feedback, request information, and share testimonials. In a way Facebook has moved PR from the newspaper, to the Internet. Small companies are now able to have access to thousands with just a few clicks.

More importantly though is that businesses must learn to adapt to the new format of marketing. Businesses should have a Facebook page that is updated, provides engaging content, and a connected website that has reliable, up-to-date information. Utilizing Facebook because of the potential resources you can reach is good, but that is just the first step. By engaging your customers you can turn potential clients into customers. Having a Facebook page is important in helping you do that.

Here is a link that has a little more information on why your business must have a Facebook page if you have not set one up already.

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