Fitness Marketing Strategies to Generate More Customers

Jul 16, 2013

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Staying healthy and physically fit is a luxury that most people can’t afford to include in their budget.

Health clubs and gyms are struggling to retain members as customers are finding alternative ways to stay in shape instead of paying for a gym membership.

Here are some marketing strategies for those wanting to generate more customers in the fitness industry:

• Free session trial – offer trials to clients ranging from one day to 30 days at your gym.

• Referral contest – an incentive where everyone wins for those being referred and the person bringing the referral.

• Pay per referral – offering a certain amount of money for a limited promotion.

• Flier drops – putting fliers about promotions in public places such as newspaper bins, car windshields – this will require a small amount of money and a little bit of effort.

• TV, radio, billboard, newspaper, and magazine ads – these are your traditional marketing tactics of attracting potential customers for your club/gym. Comical or informational ads are most likely to catch people’s attention because it’s memorable.

• Health fair booths – getting contact information and educating those on the spot about your health club is your job at this event. Following up with those added to your contact list is the source for your future customers.

• Clinics – paid, free, mini or fundraiser clinics can be geared toward building a youth based business. Offering these different types of clinics to a local youth league and donate proceeds towards the community can help raise revenue and help you receive qualified prospects.

• Walks/runs/marathon sponsors – charity runs or walks are a great way to be a sponsor and get your name out in the community. Finding future clients to train can be found at these events.

These tactics along with many others will serve you well as you promote your health related business but can likely be applied to a business in any industry.

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