Focus Your Marketing

Apr 22, 2013

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Posted In : Uncategorized

By: Mike Green


Being strategic in your marketing is one of the biggest challenges a new business owner will undertake. Much like focusing the light of the sun with a magnifying glass on an ant (I’m not the only one at camp that did that, am I?), the focusing power accomplishes the task much faster and more efficient. If you constantly change the focus, or are impatient, you will waste time and money on your marketing.

Knowing What to Focus On

As I’ve written many times, knowing your customer is key to knowing what to focus on. What is your customer interested in, what kind of websites do they visit, what radio station do they listen to, are some of the questions that you should easily answer when designing your marketing campaign. NEVER throw money at a project unless you’ve done sufficient homework that it’ll reach your existing customers, or open you up to a new market segment that’ll respond to your message.

Try This First

One of the best ways that you can get into the mind of your customer is by survey. Some do this very formally with a direct mail or email form. Other do this very casually at the register. Depending on your business, and how product is sold, you can mine invaluable data from your customers by just asking them. Almost every time, your customers are more than happy to give you the feed back you are seeking.

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