Four Things You Didn’t Know You Could Do on Facebook

Oct 31, 2013

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Learn More Than Just the Basics

You’re probably pretty familiar with Facebook. You know how to stalk your ex-boyfriend/girlfriend, post photos, “Like” posts, join a group, create an event, etc. BUT here are four things that you may not know. I know I didn’t know about them.

Four Facebook Tips

1. Post Embedding: Facebook lets you embed a post from your Facebook page to your blog or website. Not only that but Facebook users can “Like” your post directly from your embedded post wherever you decide to embed it. Just click on the top right corner of your post and you’ll find the embedding code.
2. Edit Links: When you want to share a link on Facebook there is an auto generated post with text and an image – this is editable! You can change the image using the arrow and when you hover over the text with your mouse the text will change to yellow and then you can change the text to whatever you want.
3. Schedule Posts: You don’t have to remember to update Facebook posts everyday and you don’t have to use an app to schedule posts because you can schedule them directly through Facebook. When you’re creating your post or status click on the clock in the bottom left hand corner and you can pick the date and time for your post to be published.
4. Edits Post and Comments: You don’t have to worry about that pit in your stomach after realizing you made an error in your post or comment. You can edit it even after publishing! Click on the magic arrow on the top right corner and then click edit.

You may know the basics of Facebook but these few simple tips will save you both time and stress! Facebook is an ever-growing marketing tool so make sure to master all of its features! You’ll be glad you did.

Be sure to check out Innovation Simple’s Facebook page for plenty of good tips and fun!

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