Gmail Has A New Theme Called Preview

Jul 5, 2011

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Gmail is an email client that is made by Google and now they are just one of the several products that Google has out that is getting a little bit of redesign. Gmail has come out with a new theme which is more minimal allowing for the freedom of getting rid of excess stuff. Google is on a big streamlining kick right now trying to get rid of things that may not be of great worth to users.

Here is a new look at the new theme from Gmail called Preview:

new gmail theme called preview

As you can see by the new look, Gmail has streamlined a lot of things like instead of saying Back for a back button they simply have a back arrow. Bigger buttons and just a bunch of what Gmail calls unnecessary clutter.

To get the new Preview theme you simply go to the settings tab in Gmail and click on themes. In the theme section you will see the new theme in two sizes: original and dense. This is the same theme only they have not made it so it will automatically format itself to the screen size it is being displayed on. You simply choose which theme you want and there you go.

Have fun with the new streamlined version or should I say the stripped down version of Gmail.

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