May 9, 2013
You Need Quality Writing
Writing is king. Good content equals loyal followers, work you’re proud of, better online rankings, and the list goes on.
So what’s your source of writing skills? Mine is reading. I read, read, read. Blogs, newspapers, books, advertisements. When you read, you learn to write.
The best writers read a lot.
And I only have two bits of advice on the matter:
Read, Read, Read
As I’ve mentioned before. Reading teaches you how to tell a story, structure a sentence and use words that you’d normally exclude from your speech and writing. And while you’re at it, you’ll likely learn some of the most important rules of language.
Practice, Practice, Practice
Having a page of poorly written content is better than having a blank page. Just keep writing. You probably think you’ve ran out of ideas or content but you haven’t – just keep pushing harder. Write all kinds of things, of all kinds of lengths.
So there you have it. Like I said, those who read are those who write well. I’m convinced of this so if you want to write well you better start reading too. Now stop reading and start writing!