Google Acquires Aardvark

Feb 17, 2010

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Google has acquired Aardvark recently and this move continues to show Google’s interest in the social search. Aardvark has been described as a social search company in which you can ask a question and instead of finding a webpage to get your answer your question is given to a person who can give you an expert answer. Aardvark went into private beta in March of 2009 and is comprised of about 30 people who are experienced engineers and researchers who have come from major technological companies. Aardvark works on the site and is completely free. All you have to do is type in a question and then a popup box will ask you to sign up. As you type in your answer this unique technology will then analyze your question and then match it to the people in your extended network and contacts who have relevant knowledge and experience. Google has said that they are impressed with the Aardvark team and the technology they have built. Right now Aardvark will be available through Google Labs:
google labs with aardvark

Aardvark has seen incredible growth in 2009 as New York Times put on the 50 best websites of 2009. With the acquisition by Google Aardvark will be able to rapidly increase its network as the reach more of a global audience. This move by Google shows that they are looking for more ways to get into the social search arena.

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