Google Apps Extends Its Services

Nov 19, 2010

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Google Apps is continuing its growth to make online collaboration and cloud computing more of a mainstream in the way mostly businesses conduct business. Google Apps has made the move in extending its services to where Google Apps users can now use ten times more applications while still being logged in.

Up until now if you were a Google Apps user and you wanted to log into Blogger, Picasa, YouTube, Adwords, Reader, and many other applications you were unable to access them from your Google Apps account and had to create a Google Account with your Google Apps account as the user.

Now the Google Apps Account infrastructure has changed and made it possible for administrators to allow access for user to all applications through Google or even pick and choose which users are allowed to use which applications. Here is a quick video explaining the new infrastructure within Google Apps.

Any new users to the Google Apps suite will have the new account infrastructure already in place. For existing Google Apps users there will be a way to turn on these features. Only account administrators will be able to make the changes. To do so there will be a Get Started link in which you can go through and start to turn on access to other applications.

Simply click on the Manage This Domain link and then once inside the control panel you will see the following message:

“Google Apps is changing

You’ve probably heard that Google is about to make more of its services available to organizations with Google Apps accounts. Well, we’re ready! Here is what this means for you:

In addition to the core suite of messaging and collaboration applications, your users may now access many more Google services with their Google Apps accounts.

You will retain control over which Google services your users can access.

This update is free, and Google will automatically make the transition for you in early 2011. In most cases, though, we think you’ll want to step through the transition wizard yourself and actively communicate the forthcoming changes to your users. You can move everyone to the new infrastructure today, or you can try out the new account services with selected pilot users.”

This is another reason that many businesses, universities and cities are moving their infrastructure over to the Google Apps online suite of collaboration tools.

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